Planning Applications

The Planning Team at Bedford Borough Council is positive with regard to cycling and all developments call for a condition in which the applicant has to provide an appropriate number and type of cycle parking stands. This usually takes the form:

No development shall take place until a detailed scheme for long and short-stay cycle parking in accordance with Bedford Borough Council’s cycle parking standards has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented and made available for use before the development is occupied and the cycle parking areas shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason for Condition:

To ensure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with saved Policy BE30 iv), v) and vi) of the adopted Bedford Borough Local Plan 2002 and Policy CP2 vii of the Core Strategy and Rural Issues Plan 2008.

Parking for cycles in individual dwellings would be accommodated normally within allocated garages, where provided. For dwellings without garages, a secure cycling parking area is required, the location and design of which would be subject to agreement with the Borough.

Bedford Borough's Cycle Parking Design Guidance

Bedford Borough's Parking Standards for Sustainable Communities Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by the Council’s Executive on 10th September 2014, the cycle parking design guidance section 5.0 replacing the old Bedfordshire County Council's 2006 document. The cycling section of the new SPD can be accessed from the Borough's website here.

CCNB peruses Bedford Borough Council's Weekly Planning Application List and makes responses where appropriate on all applications which might involve new cycling infrastructure and facilities.

Full details of an application including all plans and its current status can be found on the Public Access Planning Portal by entering into the search box the application number or address. For plans, planning decisions, etc on applications after 8 October 2012 use the
Alternative Public Access Planning Portal

On the weekly list there is the facility to contact the Case Officer by e-mail for advice or help.

Comments on applications should be made within the prescribed time, usually four weeks from appearing on the list, quoting the application number and whether your representation is to Support, Object or Comment as well as your full postal address by either writing to the Planning Department, 4th Floor, Borough Hall, Bedford, MK42 9AP or e-mail Planning or using the automatic e-mail facility on the Public Access Portal.

Further Information

The National Planning Policy Framework was published on 27 March 2012 and sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. The full document can be accessed here and the Framework's Planning Practice Guidance here.


In addition CCNB peruses all Borough consultation documents such as those involving the Local Transport Plan and Local Plan 2032 (originally the Local Development Framework) and makes appropriate responses.

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